Over the last couple of years my writing has taken somewhat of a back seat for a multitude of different reasons, most of which will only be of interest to folks who know me, not as a writer, but as a friend or relative.
All I will say is that after a couple of months in a wheelchair and then a fair amount of time on crutches you find you look at life in a very different way. Still I have managed to fit in some fun times. Attending both Proms in the Park and an Andrew Lloyd Webber concert in Hyde Park in a wheelchair was interesting. No sitting on damp grass for me, but a seat just in front of the VIP area with a brilliant view to boot. Not bad at all really. In fact I managed to go to a number of events with relative ease, although I dodn't think my other half found it so easy pushing me around all the time!!
Since then I've lost a beloved pet - my sweet 16 year old King Charles Spaniel- seen the demise of Black Lace and my editor Adam go on to pastures new. Also Lust Bites has finished. I know there were a lot of LB fans out there but it wasn't always easy to find something pertinent to erotic writing to blather on about. Here on my own blog I can talk about anything, as long as it doesn't break any libel laws of course. Talking about Lust Bites does remind me of one of my old posts on the site... Men In Chains. So I thought the picture above might be especially pertinent. It is from my most favourite TV programme Legend of the Seeker, an episode entitled Denna.
Never fear, however, if you ever were worried of course! I am writing again and have just signed up with Samhain. More news on that at a later date, and some updates on what is interesting me at present.
Samhain Publishing